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Monthly Archive: August 2006
The Pencil Farm Extras
I added a new Extras page to the site. For now there are buddy icons and avatars for The Pencil Farm, Back to the Garden and The Lake.
Development Notes: ‘The Lake’
The Lake came out of a brainstorming session I had last month. The idea for the game was really simple, and I knew the success of the game would depend mostly on the look and movement of the characters.
Lost in Translation
As more people start to find this site, I find references to the games popping up on various blogs and forums from all over internet-land. The most interesting ones are the non-english sites because I have to run them through a translator to see what they say about the games.
‘Sunken Treasure’ Progress
I’ve been working on Sunken Treasure, mostly on the art and sounds. I haven’t made a lot of progress because I can already tell that the game is fundamentally flawed. It’s cute, but it’s not fun to play. I believe the game needs an element of risk, so you can risk loss or damage to achieve a possible greater gain. This is the route I’m going to pursue:
Making Flash Games for PSP
I’ve been looking into getting some of my Flash games to run on the PSP.
Sony released an update in April that allows Flash content to be played through the PSP’s web browser. Unfortunately, there are some limitations that prevent this from being a great option for homebrew developers. Here are some of the fundamentals to getting started with Flash on the PSP:
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